Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Trimester 1 Reflections

~ Something I learned this trimester was the process of Meiosis. In the process of meiosis produces haploid daughter cells from specialized cells in diploid organisms. In Meiosis, it produces four new offspring cells each with one set chromosomes, therefore hold the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. It also involves the exchange genetic material between homologous chromosomes.
~ Something I have struggled with is the concept of Osmosis. I don't clearly understand the difference between Osmosis and Equilibrium, or the details that come into play.
~ Biological functions regulate in many ways, one way in which they regulate is through the process of mitosis. The purpose of mitosis is to make sure everything is dividing correctly and at the correct times and to make sure all this happens it has several check points. Each "checkpoint" is there to ensure that all of the organelles and cytoplasm have divided and that their enough for each cell to keep functioning. The most important part in is mitosis the checkpoints in G1 phase before it goes into the S2 phase.


  1. Osmosis is the movement of water molecules through a selectively-permeable membrane down a water potential gradient. and equilibium is the point at which the number of diffusing molecules moving in one direction is equal to the number movement in the opposite direction.

  2. Think of putting blue food dye into a glass of water, the way it would spread out and turn the water blue describes the process of diffusion. While osmosis is describing water moving across a membrane.

  3. Osnosis is just the movement of water across the membrane. Its just diffusion,so the movement doesn't have to be equal in both directions.Equilibrium is when the movemnt is equal in both directions. Thing of equilibrium as balance.

  4. Osmosis is the movement of water across a membrane, the goal is to be in equilibrium. In equilibrium the solution is isotonic which is when the concentrations of solute is equal.

  5. Johne, glad your classmates can help you with osmosis. In understanding regulation, mitosis is a great regulator in making sure our cells are dividing regularly. However, you should also understand that the cell cycle it the overall regulator prior to a cell being able to divide, with all of its various checkpoints. Make sure you review the cell cycle.
